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picture perfect

  all things considered. most of my childhood was pretty "picture perfect". there were plenty of things not in photographs that were less than ideal. I had my share of conflict and heartache. but I realized tonight that I have consistently had something that 8/9 of the kids in my home have never had- pictures with both of my biological parents in them.  most of their reference points for what their fathers look like are found online. if they have even met him, the memories are few and far between.  and then their moms. the tie there is stronger for obvious reasons. but each relationship is filled with its own struggles and conflicts. the woman that brought them in to this world, for one reason or another, can not care for them now.  when I first became a foster parent, I primarily saw the child. the parents were not my focus. as time went on my care and concern for them grew. I wanted to love them like Jesus would.  out of respect for everyone involved, details will not be sh

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